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For ninety years the issues of women in the workplace of America were safeguarded, advocated and promoted by Business and Professional Women (BPW).  When BPW was absorbed into the National BPW Foundation, Texas clubs became Texas Business Women (TBW) in 2009. In 2013, the Amarillo TBW club became Amarillo Business Women (ABW) an organization focused on women in the workplace in Amarillo, Texas. 


The Amarillo Business Women’s organization is comprised of working women in the city of Amarillo. We are of all ages, different stages and positions in life, and we represent a variety of industries in the workplace. Various roles are held amongst this organization, ranging from part to full time working women. There is one goal, one purpose that we share- we want to succeed.


We want to succeed personally as well as in our profession. We accomplish this by educating ourselves, developing our skills and knowledge, finding resources, and adapting them at home and in the working world. There is no, ONE destination for us. We want to be the best in the environment we are placed in and place ourselves in. We strive to be role models for women and represent the possibility that women can travel, manage a home and/or raise a family, while bettering themselves professionally and not only holding, but excelling in a career.



Nonprofit organizations are another group we support. Each year we choose an organization to give a portion of our memberships and membership renewals to. At the end of our year, we welcome them to give our program and we present a donation to them at that time. We believe in helping our community by recognizing needs around us, giving locally, and being an active member in Amarillo, while improving ourselves to make a lasting impact in our homes and businesses.


* Networking Events

* Monthly lunch meetings with programs to encourage personal and professional growth

* Community Involvement:  

   - Member Amarillo Chamber of Commerce

   - Annual local charitable contribution and volunteer opportunities

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